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Kew Cottages Coalition Reg # A0044698HKew Cottages Coalition Contacts:
Correspondence: PO Box 2317, KEW, Victoria, 3101, Australia
Telephone: 0418 356 464
International: +61 418 356 464
E-mail: Feedback
The Kew Cottages Coalition (KCC) is a non-profit community based organisation, formed in 2003, in order to oppose the Victorian Government’s announced decision to sell the 27 hectares of Kew Cottages Crown Land adjacent to the Yarra Bend Park, and to bulldoze this historic site in favour of multi-unit private residential development.
The Victorian Government justifies its Kew Cottages ‘redevelopment’ policy in part on its commitment that:
"All funds from the redevelopment will be spent on providing improved facilities and services for people moving from Kew and any additional funds will go to other disability services."
However, despite the rhetoric, 7 years after the Bracks Government's promise. there still do not appear to be any"additional" funds for the disabled.
Instead of a profit the end of 2008, according to The Age,
"The project is
losing money, with one well-placed source putting the figure so far at
about $17 million". (more
We believe that the future management of the KRS site still represents a unique opportunity to provide a new model of care for Victorians with intellectual disability, as well as integrating the environmental and recreational values of the site.
The contiguous physical location of the KRS site with the Yarra Bend National Park and the longstanding and welcomed interaction by KRS residents with the local Kew community represent important elements to the likely success of a unique multi-purpose re-birth of the site.
In June 2008 we presented our Proposal to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Development of Public Land in Victoria.
We proposed that Development of the KRS site as a housing estate be halted at Stage 1 and the remainder of the site be developed as an integrated Disability Support and Recreational area incorporating the following three key components:
1. Family Support & Respite Centre for the Disabled
2. Victorian Centre of Excellence for the Disabled
3. Community Recreational and Sporting Precinct
1. Keep the Kew Residential Services (Kew Cottages) site in public ownership. There should be no sale of Kew Cottages site for housing development.2. Develop an Intellectual Disability Centre of Excellence (IDCE). This should include a variety of research and care initiatives including: housing, respite care and support services.
3. Land on the Kew Cottages site that is not directly required for the IDCE should be used to develop joint sporting and recreational facilities for use by the IDCE and all citizens of Boroondara.
4. All IDCE and sporting/recreational development of the Kew Cottages site should:
a) Maintain and improve the site’s important heritage value, and environmental features;b) Further enhance the integration of Kew Cottages residents into the Kew and Boroondara community;
c) Be respectful of the site’s important Aboriginal significance;
d) Be consistent with, and enhance, the environmental integrity of the Yarra Bend National Park.
KCPA Inc. Contacts:
ACN No. A13298T
Kew Cottages Parents AssociationCorrespondence: Locked Bag 15, KEW, Victoria, 3101, Australia
Telephone: (03) 9854 1388
International: +613 9854 1388
Fax : (03) 9854 1388
E-mail: kewcott@alphalink.com.au
CIPAID Inc. Contacts:
Incorporating the Orphan's Fund for Intellectually Disabled persons (VIC) Inc.
ACN No. A00 19798R
Concerned Individuals and Parents Action on Intellectual DisabilityCorrespondence: Locked Bag 15, KEW, Victoria, 3101, Australia
Telephone: (03) 9854 1497
International: +613 9854 1497
Fax : (03) 9854 1466
E-mail: Feedback (Please mark Attn: CIPAID in the Subject line)
CIPAID stands for Service Diversity with Client and Parent Choice; living in the community may be successful in diverse housing models, including clusters.
Disability Network Inc. Contacts:
ACN No. A0036316P
For Action on Accommodation, Respite and Unmet needsCorrespondence: PO Box 31, Chadstone Centre, Victoria, 3148, Australia
Telephone: (03) 9509 7803/ 9569 2240
International: +613 9509 7803/ 9569 2240
E-mail: Feedback (Please mark Attn: Disability Network in the Subject line)
The Disability Network Inc. (formerly the One Voice Disability Network) is an organisation independent of government funding formed to lobby Federal and State politicians and other decision makers about accdommodation, respite and unmet needs in all areas of disability.
The Disability Network aims to promote diversity and choice in services and to promote parents and families being included in decisions regarding services for loved ones. The Network hopes to work collaboratively with other disability-related organisations to ensure that what people have to say is heard and heeded by decision makers.
The Network also aims to inform public understanding and debate about issues relating to disability.
Privacy: we will comply with Privacy legislation in the State of Victoria in handling all personal
information . Unless you advise us otherwise, you agree that we may make the information you
provide available for the above purposes to the independent disability groups CIPAID (Concerned
Individuals and Parents Action on Intellectual Disbility), the Disability Network., and the Kew
Cottages Parents Association. Personal information will not be used for any other purposes [more..]Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the electronic information presented on this site.
However, Kew Cottages Coalition accepts no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person
acting or refraining from action as a result of the material presented in this service.What's New | Challenge for Change | Links | Archive | Site Map
© 2003 Kew Cottages Coalition
Reg # A0044698H