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Kew Cottages Coalition Reg # A0044698H
Who is attacking Melbourne's
Yarra Green Wedge ?
This prize 27 hectare site just kilometres from the city is
being developed on a model than concerns
the Committee greatly....
++ ++++++++++++++
Saturday 13th December 2008
Cottages plan under attack
- Royce Millar, Age Investigative Unit
- December 13, 2008
THE State Government is under mounting pressure to rethink its $400 million Kew Cottages redevelopment, as the first residents of the scheme call for a halt to the next stage of work.
At a public meeting this week residents from the 50-plus dwellings of the first stage of the project slammed the Government and its partner, the Walker Corporation, over what they said were changes to the designs of their homes after they were purchased off the plan.
The residents have complained about myriad faults in their homes, including missing features such as bluestone and steel. And they are angry at poor environmental standards — notably an absence of a water recycling strategy.
The meeting called on the Government to abandon stage two of the 500-dwelling project until problems were resolved in the first stage....
View Royce Millar's Full Story in the Melbourne Age >>
Boroondara Council Studley Ward
Public Meeting
Wednesday 10th December 2008
Studley Ward Councillor Phillip Healey invites residents and other stakeholders to attend a ward meeting, specifically regarding the former Kew Residential Services site in Main Drive Kew.
All Local Members of State Parliament have been invited inc:
Andrew McIntosh (Liberal) , John Lenders (ALP), Evan Thornley (ALP)
Andrea Coote (Liberal), David Davis (Liberal, Chair. Public Land Inquiry) , Sue Pennicuik (Greens)
The meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 10 December 2008 in the Freeman Room at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, corner High and Pakington Streets, Kew.
(View Melways Map 45 D6 )
For further enquiries, please call 9278 4473.
Wednesday 10th December is the 60th Anniversary of
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,...
Thursday 4th December 2008
St Kilda, Kew deals to be investigated
Royce Millar writes in the Melbourne Age:
THE redevelopment of Kew Cottages and the troubled revamp of the St Kilda triangle site are to be investigated by the State Ombudsman.
A Legislative Council resolution pressed by the Opposition and the Greens last night sought the investigations following a parliamentary committee's inquiry into the State Government's handling of public land development.
It is the first time the government watchdog has had such a referral from the upper house.
Last night Deputy Ombudsman John Taylor confirmed his office would conduct the investigations... (more)
Wednesday 3rd December 2008
Pressure for Ombudsman to Investigate
Today the Upper House of the State Parliament will debate whether the Victorian Ombudsman should investigate the Brumby Government over its St Kilda Triangle and Kew Cottages land deals ...
Former Senator Graham Richardson is not expected to attend.
Live audio of the debate will be broadcast on the Parliamentary Website
Just three new faces for Boroondara Council
Boroondara City Council Bellevue Ward MILES, Brad
Cotham Ward BLOOM, David
Gardiner Ward ROSS, Coral
Glenferrie Ward MEGGS, Phil
Junction Ward WEGMAN, Jack
Lynden Ward KREUTZ, Heinz
Maling Ward MENTING, Dick
Maranoa Ward TRAGAS, Nicholas
Solway Ward CHOW, Kevin
Studley Ward HEALEY, Phillip Anthony
Congratulations to all of Boroondara's new Councillors:-)
Click here for details
Tuesday 25th November 2008
Disabled at risk
Cassie Maher writes (p.3)
KEW residents fear a disabled pedestrian could pay the ultimate price for unfinished roadworks in the Main Drive, Kew, estate.
About 95 former Kew Residential Services (KRS) residents have lived in 20 community residential units (CRUs) on the 27ha site since May.
Nicholas Bolin moved into one of the 75 new stage-one houses several months ago and said a lack of footpaths was forcing former KRS residents on to the road and into the path of construction vehicles.
``One person nearly got bowled over by a truck and fell on his face in the tanbark,'' Mr Bolin said.... (more)
Heritage trees in peril
Cassie Maher writes (p.13)
AN EMERGENCY on-site meeting will be held at Kew Cottages this week in a bid to save ailing heritage-registered trees.
Boroondara Council requested the meeting with Heritage Victoria, Major Projects Victoria and developer Walker Corporation following concerns raised by residents.
Studley Ward councillor Phillip Healey presented a slideshow of sick and dying trees at last week's council meeting.
He blamed the damage on semi-trailers driving over root zones and breaking limbs, and insufficient watering.
Heritage Victoria spokeswoman Angie Phelan said the Walker Corporation was required to have a tree management plan for heritage trees within the development area, including protective fencing, and a maintenance program for heritage trees outside the development area. Boroondara planning director Phillip Storer said he wanted to see the health of trees improved before the council took control of parts of the site in the future...(more).
Thursday 13th November 2008
On this day 5 years ago the Bracks Government
suddenly seized control of the Kew Cottages redevelopment, and
cancelled Third-Part Appeal Rights
Danger... Guided Democracy @ Work
Think Global..
(Think Economic Meltdown...)
(Victoria's Public Health System in crisis..)
(Victoria's Disability System in disarray...)
Act Local..
It's local election time again in
"Marvellous Melbourne"
Unlike in the USA
Voting is Compulsory
So if you are enrolled make sure you
"Vote Early & Vote Often..."
(ie: at least once in every four years.. :-)
Boroondara Election Links
- Our How To Vote Card for Carers
(Please pass it on..)
- The Deadline - For your vote to count, it must be received by the Returning Officer by 6.00 pm on Friday, 28 November 2008.
- The Candidates
- Kew Cottages Entry Poll: The Winners
- Victorian Electoral Commission
You can post your ballot paper and ballot paper envelope in the reply paid envelope provided, or deliver it in person to:
Hawthorn Town Hall, Hawthorn Room, 1st Fl/360 Burwood Road, Hawthorn
9.00 am - 5.00 pm weekdays plus 9.00 am - 8.00 pm on Thursday, 27 November and 9.00 am - 6.00 pm on Friday, 28 November"...If you do not like their policies then vote them out !
However, one problem with elections is that
you always end up with a politician !"
Long Suffering Politician , Camberwell, 2008
Friday 7th November 2008
Burke charged with Corruption
Graham Richardson's protege is back in the news...
DISGRACED former West Australian premier Brian Burke has been charged with corruption and giving false evidence to the
Corruption and Crime Commission....
Thursday 23rd October 2008
The Melbourne Age Editorial
Contriving a conflict where none has gone before
"... a bill before the State parliament has taken the long battle between Spring Street and Victoria's town halls to a new level.. the effect of this legislation can only be to deter community activists from seeking election..."
Saturday 19th October 2008
Power and persuasion
Known in Labor circles as a powerbroker and a branchstacker,Writes Michael Bachelard in The Melbourne Age
Theo Theophanous has had a colourful and controversial political career.
Photo: Penny Stephens
Tuesday 16th September 2008
Kew Plan under fire
Friday 12th September 2008Blast on public land deals
by committee
Nick Higginbottom writes
AN all-party parliamentary committee has blasted the Brumby Government's handling of development of public land.
And the committee wants an independent anti-corruption commission set up...
Monday 7th July 2008
"SYDNEY-based property baron Lang Walker
is said to boast he can 'buy and sell' any government in Australia.
"So it would seem he costed the
Bracks Government at $100,000 in September 2006.
Just over a year before, in June 2005, Walker Corporation was chosen as the preferred developer for the $400 million transformation of Kew Cottages into upmarket housing..."
Political donations linked to developers, contractors
Writes Royce Millar in The Melbourne Age Investigation
How Labor gets its cash
Read Royce Millar's full story "With Strings Attached" here
President of the Kew Cottages Coalition, Brian Walsh, said, " The Age investigation now shows that the political donations linked to Graham Richardson and the Main Drive Kew development are just the tip of an iceberg ."
Mr. Walsh said, "It looks like the people of Victoria have been set up to be sold down the river in exchange for developer donations. It's time for Premier Brumby to put a stop to this madness.
"Its time to stop stalling. Brumby must now prove to the Parliament beyond reasonable doubt, that he has got clean hands in this matter, and that neither his party, the Victorian Labor Party, nor his Government, have been corrupted by the developer donations.
"If he is unable to do that immediately, then I challenge the Premier to call the Sydney developers' bluff and:
- Stop the clock on the Kew Cottages development;
- Cancel further stages of the Walker Corporation contract; and
- Setup an Anti-corruption Commission in Victoria to investigate all of the donations identified by the Age."
Monday 7th July 2008
OSCAR-winning actor Geoffrey Rush yesterday challenged the Brumby Government to create satellite cities to cope with Melbourne's booming population.
Rush said "building out or up" had been the only options offered by the Government, creating a minefield of planning disasters.
"It just seems odd to me that on a continent so big that we have most of our population areas clinging just to the coast," he said.
Click here to read Geraldine Mitchell's full article
Sunday 6th July 2008
Planning Minister Justin Madden apparently forgot he had been invited to the Clock Tower...
Public Meeting
Planning Backlash
So John Clarke and Brian Dawe stepped in to give him a hand at the launch of his new " IKEA Plan" for Kew on the
THE Brumby Government is facing a growing backlash from the suburbs as an army of resident groups battles traffic congestion and the loss of neighbourhood character caused by over-development.
Speakers inc: Geoffrey Rush, Rod Quantock (MC), Mary Drost (Convenor)
David Davis (Lib MP Chair. Public Land Inquiry) , Greg Barber (Greens, MP)
120 Resident Groups to rally - Moonee Valley Clocktower (Town Hall) Sun July 6 - 2:30
“We're mad as hell and we're not going to take this anymore.”
NO! to stripping away our right to object/appeal.
NO! to stripping away council's planning powers.
Public Meeting at the Clocktower (Town Hall)
750 Mt Alexander Rd. Moonee Valley
Melway Ref.28 J6 Tram 59 ..Airport West from Elizabeth St.
Broadmeadows Train to Moonee Ponds (Sundays for seniors)
SUNDAY 6TH JULY 2.30-4.00pm
Minister Madden has been invited.
For info. Google www.marvellousmelbourne.org or ring Mary Drost 0401 834 899
June 2008
Monday 30th June 2008
Kew Cottages Coalition proposal for KRS Site
KCC President, Brian Walsh, and Dr. Lindsay Grayson appear before the Select Committee on Public Land Development to present the Coalition's proposal for the future of the site.
Friday 20th June 2008
Heritage tree damage costs developer $150,000
Steve Butcher writes in The Melbourne AgeINCOMPETENCE by the company re-developing the former Kew Cottages site has cost it more than $150,000 after five heritage-listed trees were endangered during works....(more..)
Friday 13th June 2008
Madden can't recall signing
From: Herald SunPLANNING Minister Justin Madden was forced on to the back foot in Parliament yesterday when he couldn't remember if he'd signed off on stage two of the controversial Kew Cottages redevelopment.
Democratic Labor Party MP Peter Kavanagh refreshed Mr Madden's memory during Upper House Question Time, saying the minister had told Parliament on May 27 he was almost certain he had not given approval.
Mr Madden yesterday responded "I don't pretend to remember all those (documents) that come before me" and said he would take the question on notice.
Click here to read the full article on the Herald Sun website
Wednesday 11th June 2008
Select Committee on Public Land Development
The Committee tabled its Second Interim Report
....The new evidence received on key sites are highlighted in this second interim report,
including the Kew Residential Development, a proposed development on the Port
Campbell headlands, the continued alienation of public land within the Caulfield
Racecourse Reserve, and the St Kilda Triangle development.
With respect to Kew Residential Services, serious concerns have arisen about the
process and the outcome of this development. The Committee’s second interim
report again highlights the determination of the Deputy Premier to prevent scrutiny
and deny the Committee full access to critical Government documents in relation to
this development...."
David Davis MLC
The Legislative Council agreed to extend the Committee's reporting date until 11 September 2008
Wednesday 28th May 2008
Brumby Must Establish "Anti-Corruption Commission" - Before it is Too Late !
Brian Walsh, President, Kew Cottages Coalition today called on Premier John Brumby to personally intervene in the Kew Cottages development debacle, and to fast-track the establishment of an Anti-Corruption Commission in Victoria.
Mr Walsh said, "The writing is now on the wall for everyone to read. Bracks really dragged the chain compared to the other States when it came to trying to solve the problem of political corruption. And the question now has to be asked - why ? "
As reported in The Age, today the Select Committee now has learnt of a further large donation to the Victorian ALP from another client of Graham Richardson,who was found to be secretly linked to the Kew deal.
According to the Australian Electoral Commission the publicly listed Sydney based developer Mirvac donated $50,000 to the Victorian ALP just 4 days after Walker Corporation was awarded the contract.
Friday 23rd May 2008
Mary Bolling writes in the Herald Sun.... PLANNING Minister Justin Madden has denied knowledge of a developer's $100,000 political donation to his party, only a month before the developer won the contract for the $400 million Kew Cottages project...
Mr Madden, facing questions from the Select Committee on Public Land Development, said yesterday he was Commonwealth Games minister when the controversial Kew decision was made -- and he ignored who made political donations to his party, anyway.
Committee chairman and Liberal MP David Davis said Kew Cottages site developer Walker Corporation made the $100,000 donation to the Victorian Labor Party on September 4, 2006.
Thursday 22nd May 2008
Kew site contract linked to donation
Click here for Cameron Houston's full story from
Ministers Madden & Theophanous appear before the
Select Committee into Public Land Development.
Monday 28th April 2008
Kew Cottages Coalition makes its preliminary submission
Unclear and Unsafe.
to Heritage Victoria on Walker Corporation's Application P12879 for a Stage 2 Heritage Permit.
Monday 14th April 2008
Heritage Victoria undertakes to investigate the delay in Walker Corporation's advertising of its Stage 2 Heritage Permit Application.
Heritage Victoria then announces it is extending its
Deadline for public submissions to 28th April 2008.
Friday 11th April 2008
Walker Corporation finally places its overdue Public Notices on Main Drive advertising its Stage 2 Heritage Permit Application
but then on the same day......
Friday 11th April 2008
The Stage 2 Incident
Wednesday 2nd April 2008Planning Minister Justin Madden
suddenly and secretly issues Walker Corporation with a
Stage 2 Planning Permit
Native Vegetation Removal (More..).
Publication of other Permits continues normally on a daily basis on the Ministerial Public Register.
However, publication of the Kew Cottages Permit is delayed for over a month
Note: Planning Permit No. 20070638 is finally added to the Ministerial Register after the Minister is called to give evidence before the Select Committee on Public Land Development. (Madden appears before the Committee on 22nd May 2008 and answers questions about Walker Corporation's political donations to the Victorian ALP. )
The Kew Cottages Coalition subsequently finds that Planning Permit No. 20070638 was issued 'informally', and was therefore probably an illegitimate permit.
The Minister for Planning apparently:
- Failed to comply with the Heritage and Planning regulations;
- Failed to refer Walker Corporation's Application for Subdivision to Heritage Victoria;
- Issued a permit that breached existing Kew Cottages Heritage Permit controls on the historic avenue of oak trees along Main Drive.
A small Public Notice, as required by the Heritage Act, is published in The Age advertising Walker Corporation's Application for a Stage 2 Heritage Permit.
However, Walker Corporation's local advertising of its own Stage 2 Heritage Permit Application, advertising which is also required by the Heritage Act 1995
is mysteriously delayed.
Deadline for submissions 16th April 2008
Thursday 13th March 2008
Carol Nader, The Melbourne Age, p2, 13th March 2008
It's official.....
"Damning report into disability accommodation"
Herald Sun 13th March 2008
The State of Victoria in Australia
is failing to house the intellectually disabled.
- Read the Press: ABC, The Age , Herald Sun,
- Read the Auditor General's Report tabled in Parliament yesterday
Saturday 1st March 2008
The Australian Financial Review's 'A State of Disgrace' story highlights Walker Corporation and Mirvac lobbyist Graham Richardson's continuing role in NSW politics... >>
Monday 25th February 2008
Beautiful Melbourne
The NSW Bulldozers
(Again...! )
An Open Letter
the Planning Minister of Victoria
Mr. Justin Madden
Re: Objection to
Walker Corporation Application for
Kew Cottages Stage 2 Planning Permit and Subdivision (Nov-07)
Dear Minister,
As you will be aware the ABC today reported on the Prime Minister's expressed concern at the now well established problem with developers and political donations in NSW.
The Premier of NSW, Morris Iemma, is now reported to have pledged to reform political donation legislation in NSW before the end of the year.
As both Victoria's Planning Minister, and the Responsible Planning Authority for Kew Cottages, you may choose to look the other way, but never again can you say you did not know that:
- Political corruption is a major problem in the NSW planning and development industry;
- Many NSW developers are now operating in Victoria;
- There are two developers specifically named in the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on Public Land Development's, First Interim Report (Dec-07). They are Walker Corporation and Mirvac. The are both NSW based developers. They are both named in relation to the Victorian State Government's dealings with the Kew Cottages Development;
- The Select Committee expressed its concern regarding:
- a "lack of transparency in State Government dealings with Walker Corporation"; and
- "possible influence of Walker Corporation political donations during the development approval process"...
Given the seriousness of these issues I respectfully request that you recognise that the public interest in Victoria will now best be served by you:
- giving your closest possible personal attention to the Walker Stage 2 Permit and subdivision application;
- ensuring a fair, open, and transparent assessment process;
- investigating the three matters, detailed below, regarding what appears at face value to be:
- a secret attempt by the State to fast track the demolition of a Heritage listed building (the Cottages Womens Hospital, 1899);
- an attempt by the State to hide the fact that the initial Demolition Permit has now been outdated in consequence of two major changes to the Development Plan (C65 in Mar-2006 & your 6-Feb 2008 Addendum);
- an attempt by the State to avoid reviewing the need for one or more additional buildings to be retained;
- an attempt to hide the fact that the State has agreed to financially compensate Walker Corporation if Heritage Victoria determines that the National Trust listed Kew Cottages Womens Hospital building must remain protected under the Victorian Heritage Act.
Please acknowledge and respond in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Walsh
Kew Cottages Coalition
1. Beautiful Melbourne v. NSW Bulldozers)
2. Submission Attachments : Extracts Heritage Act & Walker Corporation KRS Contract
The Age
Friday 22nd February 2008
"Paying the price"
Saturday 16th February 2008
".. Mirvac forgets its Ps and Kews"
Dotting Is and crossing Ts, Mirvac forgets its Ps and Kews
Tuesday 5th February 2008
Kew Public Meeting
Calls on the Government to stop obstructing the current Parliamentary Public Land Inquiry, and to fully cooperate with the Inquiry, particularly in their investigation into Kew Cottages Development Project... (More..)
Summary of
Motions carried
Kew Cottages
Kew Residential Services
MC Rod Quantock
8 pm Tuesday 5th February 2008
Phyllis Hore Room
Kew Civic Centre
Cnr Cotham Road and Civic Drive
(Melways Map 45 D6 )
The next instalment in one of Melbourne's most contentious major projects.
Topics for discussion:
- Report on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Public Land Development.
- Why Walker wants to sell out of Kew Cottages ?
- Why Walker must go ?
- How Brumby can help Walker to go now ?
Stop Press
For an update on current developments at Kew Cottages please join a Pre-Meeting Tour.
The Tour will start at:
Time: 7pm Tuesday 5 February 2008
Location: Wills Street Picnic Area, Cnr Wills & Redmond Street Entrance to Kew Cottages and Yarra Bend Park.
Map: Melways 45 A4 (Click Here)
This will be especially helpful for Wills Street and other residents effected by Walker Corporations latest Subdivision Application.
Map of Kew Cottages Proposed Stage 2 Subdivision
Proposal to Moonscape Stage 2 bulldozing 70 trees
An electronic copy of the complete Planning Permit Application No. 20070638 lodged with the Minister for Planning on 29th November 2007 is now available online
Please contact the Department of Planning and Community Development, 8 Nicholson Street, Melbourne for access to updated information and the original hardcopy documentation lodged by the applicant.
The Story So Far (more...)
For a printer friendly copy of the Coalition's January 2008 Newsletter (Click here)
Feedback: If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown on this website, please let us know so that we can correct or extend the information provided.
DAX Dr Eric Cunningham AO
Former Chairman of the Victorian Mental Health Authority
18-5-1908 - 29-1-2008
The funeral of one the greatest defenders of Kew Cottages, Dr. Cunningham Dax will be held at 2pm today (February 4) in Doncaster .
When Dr. Dax was born in England in 1908, Kew Cottages had just come of age. However, by the time Dr. Dax came to be appointed as the Victorian Mental Health Authority Chairman after the second World War, the Cottages was in a very sorry state of neglect.
In 'Payment by Results' Kew Cottages the first 100 years 1887-1987 Arthur Lloyd said that Dax's appointment in 1952 was a 'sheer stroke of genius':
Dr. Dax was a man of great stature, a big heart, wide vision, unlimited energy and enthusiasm, and deep compassion. he was an organizer and a leader....
Prime Minister Menzies, the only occupant of that office ever to visit the Cottages, praised the work of Dr. Dax and said:
"Most of my generation thought of these hospitals in the wrong sense. We failed to realise that mental illness and retardation need materials and scientific treatment."
Dax struck up a very positive relationship with the media particularly with Bill Tipping, one the Melbourne Herald's best journalists. Together they helped focus public attention on the longstanding problems posed by apathetic politicians and chronic underfunding.
Dr. Dax went on to champion a wide range of reforms and innovations at the Cottages. As well as helping change the hearts and minds of the politicians of his day, he also proved particularly adept at gaining the strong support of the public and community groups.
Melbourne Rotarians, the Lions Clubs and other Service Groups, the Kew Cottages Parents Association, the Retarded Children’s Organizations, the C.W.A., the Tipping Foundation, the Master Painters, the Parks and Gardens all came to the aid of the Cottages in response to Dax's call to arms in the 1950's
Over fifty years later Dr. Dax returned to the fray, and appealed to these organisations for help once again.
On 30th August 2005 he wrote to the Progress Leader newspaper to express his outrage at how the mental health system had been dismantled in Victoria, and to call for a Judicial Enquiry into the sale of the public lands surrounding the hospitals and centres for the intellectually handicapped, in particular Kew Cottages.
"Such an Enquiry would identify the persons connected directly or indirectly with the building organizations who are erecting the houses or have a financial interest in the destruction of the hospitals and the sale of their lands. It would also discover what has happened to the large amount of money obtained in this way..."
The Bracks Government's response was swift. The very next day on 1st September 2005 the Government announced their Kew Cottages KRS redevelopment project would henceforth be protected by the confidentiality provisions of the Project Development and Construction Management Act.
Dr Dax, however, had the last laugh.
In May 2007 the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament voted to establish a Select Committee to inquire into the sale and development of public lands, in particular Kew Cottages.
The Public Land Inquiry continues....
The Chapel Funeral of Dr Eric Cunningham Dax AO will be held at Tobin Brothers Reflections of Life Chapel, 816 Doncaster Road, Doncaster on Monday 4th February at 2.00pm.
A Private Cremation will follow.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Cunningham Dax Collection. Envelopes will be available at the Chapel.
From The Archive... 2007
Royce Millar's
Front Page Story
The Age
Wed Mar 28 2007
'Richo' on board cottages project' (Click here for Hardcopy Version)
Or Read Online Version at:
http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/richardson-weighs-in -on-cottages-project/2007/03 /27/1174761470790.html
Monday 10th July 2006
Melbourne Channel 10 TV News Reports
"Yarra Bend Park May Now Be Under Threat"
Deadly Tree Disease
Kew Cottages
View Windows Media
wmv video file (1min39s):
(Archive ..)
Bracks Government Cover up on
Threat to Yarra ?
Tuesday 14th March 2006
Brian Walsh tells the ABC's 774, Jon Faine, he is astounded that the Government now claims it was unaware of the discovery of the fungus at Kew Cottages. Walsh says the Government claim is nonsense, "our information is that they have known for weeks.. " (see below)
Listen to the full Interview mp3 audio (2min 34s):
Feedback: If you see any errors or have any questions or suggestions on what is shown on this website, please let us know so that we can correct or extend the information provided.
- Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the electronic information presented on this site. However, Kew Cottages Coalition accepts no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material presented in this service.
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© 2006 Kew Cottages Coalition
Reg # A0044698H