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Privacy statement
Your rights to privacy
We will only gather, store, and use personal information according to Privacy Legislation in the the State of Victoria.
Information that in some way identifies you as a user may be gathered during your interaction with our website in the following circumstances.Collection of clickstream and other information
When you browse our website, our service provider logs the following information for statistical purposes - your server address, top level domain name (eg .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.), the date and time of your visit, the pages accessed, documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser used.We will not try to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider's logs.
Our website is cookie-free.
We will only record your e-mail address if you send us an email message containing your email address or supply your email address as part of your contact details on an on-line application. It will not be automatically added to a mailing list.
Collection of personal information
The main way we would collect personal information from you is if you used our site to lodge forms or emails,We can only collect personal information via our website with your consent as you must click on a button provided on each web page to submit information to our website.
When or before it collects personal information, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of:
- the purposes for which the information is collected;
- where applicable, any law that requires the particular information to be collected, and
- the main consequences for the user if all or part of the information is not provided.
Information quality
When you provide information to us via the internet, we rely on the accuracy of that information.Information storage and security
Personal information is stored in transmission logs and archived for a period determined by our service provider(s).Where appropriate, our website may provide a secure environment by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This establishes a session, and encrypts all traffic, between our web server and your browser.
Use and disclosure of information
We will only use your personal information (including your e-mail address) for the purpose for which you have provided it, eg for registering on the Kew Cottages Unofficial Waiting List, or online service application, or feedback on our services. We will not use it for any other purpose, nor will we disclose it, unless with your consent or in other circumstances where such use or disclosure is permitted under the Privacy Act.From time to time, we may wish to carry out a voluntary survey for feedback. Before collecting survey results, we will advise you of the purpose of the survey. We will provide the facility to enable you to exit the survey at any time.
Risks of using the internet
You should note that there are security risks in transmitting information via the internet. You should assess these potential risks when deciding whether to use our online services. If you do not wish to transmit information via our website, there are other ways in which you can provide this information to us by phone or by post.Accountability and feedback
To find out more about your rights and the remedies for breaches of privacy, you can:
- visit the Privacy Commissioner's website at www.privacy.gov.au
- contact the Privacy Commissioner's Hotline on 1800 023 985.
We welcome your feedback about this Privacy Statement and about our site's design and practices.
Disclaimer:Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the electronic information presented on this site. However, Kew Cottages Coalition accepts no responsibility for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material presented in this service. What's New | Challenge for Change | Links | Archive | Site Map
© 2003 Kew Cottages Coalition
Reg # A0044698H