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Proposed '08
Heritage Permit Application Prepared by Walker Corporation
Proposed 49 Lot Subdivision of Stage 2 Nov 2008
Walker Heritage Permit Application P13872 :
- Heritage Impact Statement (Download pdf)
- Plan of Proposed Subdivision (Download pdf)
- Plan of Trees and Draft Building Envelopes (Download pdf)
Summary of Proposed Changes to the Approved Scheme
- Apartment Buildings (Details confidential)
- Total Dwellings (Up 33% from 36 to 49 lots )
- 'No Through Roads' (Up from 0 to 2)
- Parkland, Trees, and Open Space ( Details confidential)
- Landscaped Road Reserves, Cycle Paths, and Footpaths (Details confidential)
- Through Roads designed with Parking, and Footpaths suitable for the disabled (Down 50% from 8 to 4)*
The Bottom Line
* Correction P13872
- Moonscape the majority of allotments (47 of 49 Lots) by
- Bulldozing all exisiting gardens and over 70 mature trees on the proposed private allotments including:
- 5* State Heritage Registered Trees, and
- 12 Indigenous Trees Protected under Native Vegetation legislation (inc Blackwood, Black Sheoak, Lightwood, and Yellow Box. )
Kew Cottages Coalition Objection to Application Jan 2009
Walker Corporation's Senior Planner, Rachael Hayes concludes (p.16) that the new Permit Application for Subdividing Stage 2 is consistent with previous approvals given to the site.
However, Brian Walsh, President of the Kew Cottages Coalition, said today that was a mischevious claim
" The Walker Application is clearly not consistent with the Site Concept Plan for the Cottages that was approved by Ray Tonkin, Heritage Victoria's Executive Director, in September 2005 -
"This is a new scheme", he said.
"For example, there was not a single apartment building shown in Stage 2 of the Concept Plan.
"Now Walkers are asking Heritage approval to scrap that concept and build apartments right at the entrance to Main Drive and Lower Drive - in what they originaly said would be a park !
"To me it simply looks like a case of 'mutton dressed up as lamb' - it is overdevelopment, and will have a major adverse impact on the heritage signifance of the Cottages ", Walsh said,
"I think, the next question will be how much pressure the Government puts on Ray Tonkin at Heritage Victoria to approve the new plan.
" They seem to be in a hurry to rush through more approvals before the Ombudsman 's investigation proceeds much further into the probity of the Government/Walker Contract, and the role Graham Richardson played in getting Walker's original contract amended just weeks before the last election", Walsh said.
Kew Cottages Coalition <admin@kew.org.au> 1 January 2009 To: "Ray.Tonkin@dse.vic.gov.au" <ray.tonkin@dse.vic.gov.au>Cc: "ray.osborne@dse.vic.gov.au" <ray.osborne@dse.vic.gov.au>
Mr Ray Tonkin
Executive Director
Heritage Victoria
L4. 55 Collins Street
Victoria 3000
Dear Ray,
I write to lodge our objection to Heritage Permit Application P13872 prepared by Walker Corporation Pty Ltd on behalf of the Kew Development Corporation as advertised 9 December 2008.
Our preferred outcome would be an amended submission by the Applicant that addresses the issues we raise in detail (see attached).
Similarly, we would like to be given the opportunity to comment on any amendments to the Application at your convenience.
However, whatever the outcome, and while not our preferred course of action, we would of course reserve our right to challenge any plans and approvals if they are not in accord with prior approvals.
We note in particular that the information lodged with the application is insufficient so as to form a clear picture of what is proposed with regard to such important items as:1. Road and street details such as exact locations of roads and road widths (both pavement and reserve widths). These are particularly important so that adequate provision can be made to ensure trees within these reserves are protected and not endangered in any way. (eg: See 2005 Endorsed Site Concept Plan Note: "Exact Road Alignment still to be determined to have the minimum impact on significant trees".)
2. Road sections showing proposed levels and drainage so that tree roots will not be adversely effected.
3. Footpaths – their proposed location and typical cross-sections.
4. Parking areas- public and visitor parking provisions.
5. Traffic control measures and bus stops if any.
6. Street lighting, signage and furniture.
7. Street landscape proposals.
8. Proposed drainage and sewerage easements.
We respectfully suggest that the latter deficiency not only has consequences for forming a proper understanding what is proposed by the Applicant, it also places severe limitations on the extent to which "Permit Conditions" can reasonably be used by the Executive Director in the approval process.
For example, in our submission, in cases where there is insufficient evidence that a permit condition can be reasonably complied with, then it is not in the public interest to apply that permit condition, but rather to refuse the application.
The Applicant can then make a new application, which should be advertised in the normal manner.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information.
Yours sincerely,
Brian WalshPresident
Kew Cottages CoalitionPO Box 2317
KEWVic 3101
M. 0414 979 300
In 2004 the Kew Cottages Coalition successfully nominated Kew Cottages for registration on the Victorian Heritage Register.
We understand that as of December 2008 approvals in place for Stage 2 of the controversial development of the public land surrounding Kew Cottages include inter alia:
Act 1. September 2005
- Heritage Permit 9639 Including Endorsed Site Concept Plan and Conditions HVS_3B
Act 2. April 2008
- Planning Permit 20070638 to Subdivide Stage 2 into 37 lots issued by the Minister for Planning, but not acceptable to Heritage Victoria;
Act 3. September 2008
- Heritage Permit P13278 to Subdivide Stage 2 into 36 lots issued by Heritage Victoria, that is substantially different to the Planing Permit issued by the Minister
We further understand that neither of the latter Permits is acceptable to the State and Walker Corporation who have now applied in Heritage Permit Application P13872 (Dec 2008), seeking approval to:
- Subdivide Stage 2 of the proposed development into 3 Reservations and 49 lots numbered Lot 76 -124 inclusive in the Application.
The Kew Cottages Coalition objects to the Permit Application on the following grounds.
Lot 76.
The land in this proposed Lot is in a critical location at the junction of Main Drive and Lower Drive, where it provides a major contribution to the historic significance of the Cottages heritage landscape.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because:
1. The land in question is clearly identified in the P9639 Approved Concept Plan as undivided open space
The proposed Lot should, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
2. The proposed Building Envelope Plan on this Lot appears to be an Apartment Building.
However, none of the Apartment Buildings shown on the Approved Concept Plan are located anywhere near this part of the site. This is significant because, as noted in the Officer's Report (Osborne Sep-2005) the Approval to demolish the Heritage Registered Womens Hospital Building (B5) in Stage 2 was based on evidence from the Applicant at the time that the location of Apartment Buildings on the site was restricted to the locations detailed in the Approved Concept Plan.
The proposed Apartment Building on Lot 76 should, therefore, either be relocated to one of the approved locations shown in the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to otherwise amend their Application to properly comply with prior Approvals.
Lot 77.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because:
- The land in question is clearly identified in the P9639 Approved Concept Plan as undivided open space.
The land is in a critical location at the junction of Main Drive and Lower Drive, where it provides a major contribution to the historic significance of the Cottages heritage landscape.
The proposed Lot should, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
Lot 78.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because:
- The land in question is clearly identified in the P9639 Approved Concept Plan as undivided open space.
The land is in a critical location at the junction of Main Drive and Lower Drive, where it provides a major contribution to the historic significance of the Cottages heritage landscape.
The proposed Lot should, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
Lot 79.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because:
The land is in a critical location at the junction of Main Drive and Lower Drive, where it provides a major contribution to the historic significance of the Cottages heritage landscape.
- The land in question is clearly identified in the P9639 Approved Concept Plan as undivided open space, and
The proposed Lot should, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
The proposed Lot must also be redesigned in order to preserve and protect the Blackwood Tree 823 (Acacia melanoxylon) , identified by DSE (P. Watkinson, Letter to L. Pereira DPCD 4-Feb 2008 Re: Permit 2007638 ) as indigenous to the area and therefore to be retained under the Flora & Fauna Act:
"The Department therefore considers that the above trees are indigenous and therefore should be avoided, as per the Victoria's Native Vegetation Management - A Framework For Action. As the Responsible Authority, the Department of Planning And Community Development should ensure this occurs."
Lot 80.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because:
- The land in question is clearly identified in the P9639 Approved Concept Plan as undivided open space.
The land is in a critical location at the junction of Main Drive and Lower Drive, where it provides a major contribution to the historic significance of the Cottages heritage landscape.
The proposed Lot should, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
The proposed Lot must also be redesigned in order to preserve and protect the Blackwood Trees 758A, 758B, 758C (Acacia melanoxylon) , identified by DSE (P.Watkinson, Letter to L. Pereira DPCD 4-Feb 2008 Re: Permit 2007638 ) as indigenous to the area and therefore to be retained under the Flora & Fauna Act.
"The Department therefore considers that the above trees are indigenous and therefore should be avoided, as per the Victoria's Native Vegetation Management - A Framework For Action. As the Responsible Authority, the Department of Planning And Community Development should ensure this occurs."
Lot 81.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size of the approved lot.This is significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs etc for this lot.
Lot 82.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size of the approved lot.This is significant because of the very large number of 13 additional lots now proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan (ie: actual BEP not the 'draft BEP provided), drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs fparticulary with regard to the impact on Tree 773 for this lot.
Lot 83.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size of the approved lot.
This is significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs for this lot, particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 68 and 773.
Lot 84.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because shallower blocks along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the southern boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot., particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 61, 63, 66, and 67.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now appears to propose a smaller lot size of 607 square metres.
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 85.
This irregularly shaped 'triangular' Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it appears to have been truncated to accommodate a number of new lots not shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
This is significant because the new lots are shown located on a cul-de-sac road called Linaker Place.
However, this road layout is not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan. There are no cul-de-sacs at all in the Approved Concept Plan
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to change the Concept Plan in the manner proposed.
This is significant because irregular shaped blocks along Main Drive designed to support higher density development will pose an increased threat to the historic trees within the lots themselves, and on the boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plans, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot., particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 68, 70,71,73, 77,332, and 295 (replanting) , .
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now proposes a smaller lot size of 637 square metres.
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 86.
This irregularly shaped 'pentagon' Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it appears to have been truncated to accommodate a number of new lots not shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
This is significant because the new lots are shown located on two cul-de-sacs road called Guest Close and Linaker Place.
This road layout is not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan. There are no cul-de-sacs at all in the Approved Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to change the Concept Plan in the manner proposed.
This is significant because irregular shaped blocks along Main Drive designed to support higher density development will pose an increased threat to the historic trees within the lots themselves, and on the boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plans, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot., particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 73, 75,76, and 776A .
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now proposes a smaller lot size of 655 square metres.
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 87.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because shallower blocks along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the southern boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to the impact on Tree 79.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now appears to propose a much smaller lot size of 360 square metres.
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 88.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller and shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size and depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because increased building density along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the avenue of historic trees, and the need for a new concept plan to properly address heritage landscape issues such as irrigation, excavation, benching, footpaths, parking, and traffic management
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot., particularly with regard to the impact on Tree 79.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now proposes a lot size of only 284 square metres !
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 89.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller and shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size and depth of the approved lot.
It appears to be simply designed to increase the commercial yield from the site by increasing building density beyond that approved in the Concept Plan.
This is significant because increased building density along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the avenue of historic trees.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now proposes a lot size of only 284 square metres !
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 90.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly smaller and shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the size and depth of the approved lot.
It appears to be simply designed to increase the commercial yield from the site by increasing building density beyond that approved in the Concept Plan.
This is significant because increased building density along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the avenue of historic trees.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now proposes a lot size of only 284 square metres !
Lot 91.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because shallower blocks along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the southern boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 134 and 134B.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now appears to propose a much smaller lot size of 350 square metres !
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 92.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because shallower blocks along Main Drive will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the southern boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to the impact on Trees 134, 134B, 136, 136A.
The proposed Lot located on the Northern Boundary of the Main Drive Avenue of trees is also not in accord with the Section 173 Agreement that applies to Lots on the Southern Boundary.
This is significant because the Applicant has agreed "it is also appropriate that the protection of any tree along Main Drive be covenanted to ensure development of the adjoining lots is not detrimental to their long term health (S.5.1 Subdivisional area and layout), and Heritage Victoria has identified the need for the 173 Agreement to protect the heritage registered trees on Main Drive by way of Condition on Permit P13278.
However, the S.173 Agreement that applies to existing lots bordering the Main Drive heritage registered trees binds the the Purchaser and his successors, "...not to subdivide the land into lots less than 700 square metres in area...", whereas this Application now appears to propose a much smaller lot size of 565 square metres.
The Application must therefore be amended to comply with the S.173 Agreement and increase the size of this lot to 700 square metres or more.
Lot 93.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Guest Close.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Approved Concept Plan clearly shows a road plan based on six new through roads in Stage 2. The roads shown serve to connect Main Drive, Lower Drive, and the heritage core/open space 'park' located on the western border of Stage 2.
There are no cul-de-sacs shown in Stage 2 on the Approved Concept Plan
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
Lot 94.
The proposed Lot is located on the corner of a proposed cul-de-sac, called Guest Close.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
Lot 95.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the boundary of those lots.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot., particularly with regard to the impact on Tree 414
Lot 96.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot.
Lot 97.
The proposed Lot is located on the corner of a proposed cul-de-sac, ironically called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7).
Lot 98.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 99.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 100.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 101.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 102.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 103.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 104.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 105.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 106.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 107.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 108.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
The proposed Lot must also be redesigned in order to preserve and protect the Black Sheoak Tree 335 (Allocasuarina littoralis) , identified by DSE (P. Watkinson, Letter to L. Pereira DPCD 4-Feb 2008 Re: Permit 2007638 ) as indigenous to the area and therefore to be retained under the Flora & Fauna Act:
"The Department therefore considers that the above trees are indigenous and therefore should be avoided, as per the Victoria's Native Vegetation Management - A Framework For Action. As the Responsible Authority, the Department of Planning And Community Development should ensure this occurs."
Lot 109.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 110.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)Lot 111.
Lot 112.
The proposed Lot is located on a proposed cul-de-sac, called Linaker Place, after the landscape architect of that name.
The cul-de-sac, however, is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 (P.9639)
The Lot is, therefore, not in accord with the Approved Concept Plan.
This is significant because the Approved Concept Plan was based on evidence as to the need to maintain a high level of pedestrian and disabled access within the site, and the historic design of the landscape that facilitated this access.
The proposed Lot and cul-de-sac must, therefore, either be redesigned to accord with the Approved Concept Plan, or the Applicant may wish to withdraw their application, and then proceed to seek approval for a new Concept Plan for both Stage 2 and the Balance of the Site (Stage 3-7)
Lot 113.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is also significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot
Lot 114.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot
Lot 115.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot
Lot 116.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot
Lot 117.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot
Lot 118.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to potential impact on Tree 289.
Lot 119.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to potential impact on Tree 291.
Lot 120.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot particularly with regard to potential impact on Trees 291 and 293.
Lot 121.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot particularly with regard to potential impact on Trees 293 and 294.
Lot 122.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot particularly with regard to potential impact on Trees 294 and 299.
Lot 123.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot particularly with regard to potential impact on Trees 299.
Lot 124.
The proposed Lot is not in accord with Heritage Victoria's Approved Concept Plan for the Kew Cottages Development, as endorsed on 9-Sep 2005 because it is significantly shallower than the proposed lot as shown at this location in the endorsed Concept Plan.
The Application contains inadequate information to substantiate the need to reduce the depth of the approved lot.
This is significant given problems already experienced in Stage 1 irrigation systems, because shallower blocks will pose an increased threat to the historic trees on the site as a whole due to an overall reduction in the permeable areas, and natural irrigation.
It is particularly significant because of the very large number of additional lots proposed in the Application ie: an increase of over 33% from a total of 36 lots to 49 lots in Stage 2.
The Application must therefore be amended to provide detailed information on the proposed variation and associated heritage landscape impact issues, including the proposed Building Envelope Plan, benching, excavation, drainage, water re-cycling, footpaths, parking, cross-overs, etc for this lot, particularly with regard to potential impact on Tree 301.
Endnote: Online Supplementary and supporting material available on www.kew.org.au
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© 2003 Kew Cottages Coalition
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