Bad luck !

Your bureaucrats have rushed it and stuffed it !
The devil is in the detail.
Boroondara Council has still not yet been formally consulted.
Your letter to the Mayor of Boroondara will arrive 6 days late.
Your letter to the Mayor (15/10)  will claim that:

    "VicUrban has written to Council officers detailing a new plan.."

Unfortunately, that claim will later be shown to be wrong.
VicUrban will not get its act together and write to Council until 2 days after your own letter.
Your New Plan Brochure (8/10)  unfortunately includes a commitment to exhibit the Planning Scheme Amendment "as part of normal planning scheme processes.." (p.13)
That may now prove too great a risk  to take.

You may now need to request your colleague the Minister for Planning to 'call in' the Project.
Better now to have your spin doctors do a media release embargoed till Saturday 18th.
That will help bury VicUrban's  "New Plan" deep in the Spring Carnival press.

Go back three places.
And take another Chance...