To:    The Victorian Minister for Planning, The Responsible Planning Authority for Kew Cottages.
Re:    Walker Development Plan - Kew Area , Boroondara Planning Scheme,
 S.57 Objection,  Planning & Environment Act (1987)  regarding::
 Collie Pty Ltd, Stage 1 Planning Permit Application :  Native Vegetation Removal, August.2006
Dear Minister,
I live in Boroondara.
I work in Boroondara.
I am a friend of Kew Cottages, but do not live or work in Boroondara.

I write to strongly object to the Permit Application before you seeking the removal of over 176 indigenous trees, including River Red Gums and other native vegetation and habitat on the Kew Cottages Crown Lands adjoining Yarra Bend Park.

I believe the extraordinary nature and extent of this proposed land clearance on the banks of the Yarra is an affront to all Victorians.  It  will have a serious environmental impact,  not only on the landscape and river itself, but also the carbon content of the atmosphere that we all rely on. . It will contribute further to the significant problem of global warming, and can only serve to send the message far and wide to developers throughout Australia that Victoria under a Bracks Government is secretly keen to promote and encourage the pursuit of private profit at the expense of both the Victorian public, and Victoria's public lands..

The Permit Application proposes that you should defer statutory decisions on appropriate  native vegetation 'off-sets' until a date to be set, long after the trees themselves have been felled. I submit that the latter approach is both morally reprehensible, and totally unacceptable. It is about as sensible as defering critical decisions on the Titanic's lifeboats until the day the ship set sail.

I request that you reject the Permit Application forthwith and request a full and candid explanation from your colleague, the Minister for Community Services, as to how such an extraordinary Application came to be put before you on her behalf.

Thank you.