Form 2 Section 38(1)




To Be Presented


On 1 1 NOV 2003 the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C53 to the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The amendment was prepared by the Minister for Planning.

The Minister for Planning will be responsible for administering the scheme.

The amendment:

· Makes the Minister for Planning the responsible authority for the administration and enforcement of the planning scheme for land known as the Kew Residential Services site and more particularly described as Crown Allotment 59Q and Crown Allotment 59R, Parish of Boroondara, County of Bourke.

· Changes the zoning of the Kew Residential Services land, Princess Street, Kew to a Residential 1 Zone.

· Applies the Development Plan Overlay Schedule 3 to the land.

·  Applies the Heritage Overlay to a portion of the land.

 · Applies the Vegetation Protection Overlay Schedule 2 to a portion of the land.

·  Incorporates the Kew Residential Services Urban Design Framework, October 2003 into the planning scheme.

The Minister exempted herself from the requirements of Sections 17, 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and the requirements of the Planning and Environment Regulations 1998 being the requirement to:

· Give a copy of the amendment, together with the explanatory report and any document applied, adopted or incorporated in the       amendment to   the relevant municipal council.

· Give notice of the amendment to every Minister, public authority and municipal council that the planning authority believes may be materially affected by the amendment.

· Make the amendment available for inspection until the amendment is approved.

· Give notice of the amendment to the owners and occupiers of land that the planning authority believes may be materially affected.

· Give notice of the amendment to any Minister, public authority, municipal council or person prescribed.

· Publish a notice of the amendment in a newspaper generally circulating in the area.

· Publish a notice of the amendment in the Victoria Government Gazette.

No notice of the amendment was given.

General Manager
Planning, Land Services and Environmental Regulation
Department of Sustainability and Environment
For the Minister for Planning
Date: 13 NOV 2003

Planning and Environment Regulations 1998 Form 2